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                                                     Order of Services


Thursday July 18th Evening Service.....Speaker Jolene McCord

Friday July 19th Classrooms

Start 9:30 -10:30 AM Workshops   

Diplomates.. 1&2...Sanctify A Fast.................Bill Wilson   

Diplomates.. 3&4...Spirit of Offense...............Callie Richey     

Classroom....D.......Spiritual roots of diseases/doorways...Laurel Hesskew  

Classroom... E.......The Laying on of Hands...Frank Marzullo 

10:45 - 12 N  "ABC General Assembly with Dr. Phillip Morris"

Lunch 12-1:30 PM

1:30-3:00 PM Afternoon Workshops (Additional Time may be required)  

Main Ball Rooms ABC  "Heart of Forgiveness Ministry"  Jolene McCord

                                           Ministry, prayer, healing and deliverance 

Classroom....D........Sexual Sins and God's Deliverance......Terry Jefferson   

Classroom....E........Traps, Snares and Delusions................Randy Richey 

Diplomates...1&2.....Trauma.................................................Lou & Soonhe Young 

Diplomates...3&4.....Knowing Your Enemy............................Frank Marzullo 


Friday Evening Speakers........................Ron & Marianne Brunson 

Saturday 9:30 - 11 AM

 General Assembly (Rooms D & E)  Ron & Marianne Brunson

Luncheon 11:30 – 1 PM

1:30-3 PM Afternoon Workshops  1 1/2 Hr.

Classroom.....D........Rock & Roll and other demonic Frequencies.. Randy Richey

Classroom.....E........The Belly God..................................Bill Wilson 

Diplomates....1&2......Sins of Our Fathers and Curses.....Frank Marzullo

Diplomates....3&4......Mind Control Demons....................Terry Jefferson


Saturday Evening Speaker.....Jolene McCord and Ministry Workers


Sunday stayovers 10 AM  Ball Room ABC  Pastor Mary Jefferson 


 Register here Online http://www.christoutreachministry.com                                                                                 See LINK: Team Conference